How to Make a Report

How to Make a Report

Phone Icon

The Ethics and Compliance Hotline phone line is staffed by individuals trained in interviewing and documenting information.  Calls are not recorded or provided as a verbatim transcript to the university. The professional who speaks to reporters will document concerns and provide a written notification to the university documenting the report.

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The Ethics and Compliance Hotline offers online reporting via webform. Reporters personally identifiable information (e.g., IP address or location) is not documented or provided to the university. Following an online submission a written notification is provided to the university documenting the report.

General Information for Reporters

Emergencies and crimes in progress: Call 9-1-1. The Hotline should not be used to report emergencies or crimes in progress. For non-emergency situations involving potential crimes, contact the University of Arizona Police Department (UAPD) at (520) 621-8273 or online.

For concerns that do not require anonymity, and where the reporter is comfortable directly making a report, reporters are encouraged to first report to their supervisor, department manager, or the university office designated to receive those types of concerns.

For Hotline reports, the university uses an outside vendor. Reports received via Hotline are provided to the University Compliance Office without identifying information, unless the reporter chooses to provide it.

Due to the confidential or sensitive nature of most Hotline reports received, the University Compliance Office is generally unable to provide reporters with the results of any review or investigation.

Retaliation for reporting concerns is prohibited and taken very seriously. If a reporter believes they have experienced retaliation, they may report the concern to the Hotline.

Additional reporting options are available, please see a list of frequently utilized confidential and non-confidential Reporting Options under the Resources tab on this webpage.